Progressive Group Stalks, Harasses Sinema Around Phoenix

LUCHA Arizona protesting outside during the day about the filibuster


A progressive group spent its weekend haranguing Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) over what they see as the moderate Democrat’s unwillingness to further the progressive cause.

Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA), which describes itself as a group “led by community members fighting for social, racial & economic transformation,” protested Sinema at several different locations in Arizona over the weekend.

They started by protesting Sinema at a Saturday night fundraiser at the Royal Palms, accusing the Senator of “playing with the lives of immigrant communities.”

The group confronted the Sinema while she left the fundraiser, and said she exited through the back of the building to avoid their protest.

Later, the group said it was escorted off the property by police.

The protestors were demanding that Sinema support President Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion infrastructure proposal, which has been termed the “Build Back Better Plan,” a nod to Biden’s 2020 campaign slogan.

That bill contains numerous progressive wish-list items, including universal pre-K schooling and elder care, along with climate change spending and free community college.

They also demanded that Sinema take action on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. That program, implemented by President Barack H. Obama, allows the children of illegal aliens who also crossed into the United States illegally as minors, to remain in the United States.

They want Sinema to support the progressive faction of the Democrat Party and grant amnesty to DACA recipients.

The following day, LUCHA caught up with Sinema at Arizona State University, where the Senator teaches a class.

A video of one member of the group following her into the bathroom went viral on Twitter.

“Build back better, back the bill,” the protestors chanted as they followed Sinema around the building.

Progressive groups have been slamming Sinema all year for what they see as. betrayal, after many of them campaigned and voted for her.

Earlier this year, she refused to help Senate Democrats kill the filibuster, which would have opened the floodgates for progressive agenda items to be passed into law.

For her part, Sinema is trying to walk a political tightrope.

As an elected Democrat in a typically-Republican state, she has been unwilling to support the progressive cause. She is up for reelection in 2024.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Arizona Sun Times and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “LUCHA Arizona protesting” by LUCHA Arizona.

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